5 research outputs found

    The impact of direct speech framing expressions on the narrative: a contrastive case study of Gabriel García Márquez’s Buen viaje, señor Presidente and its English translation

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    The impact of direct speech framing expressions on the narrative: a contrastive case study of Gabriel García Márquez’s Buen viaje, señor Presidente and its English translationThis paper discusses an application of Relevance Theory methodology to an analysis of a literary text: a short story of Gabriel García Márquez “Buen viaje, señor Presidente” and its English translation. “Close reading” technique carried out on rather linguistic than literary basis allows for adding yet another layer of interpretation to this complex story. The analysis concentrates on the representation of direct speech and particularly on the impact of direct speech framing clauses on the reading of dialogic turns. Specifically, it is argued that the explicit mention of the addressee by indirect object pronouns (which are optional in direct speech framing turns) in Spanish makes the tension between the two protagonists even more palpable, therefore apparently courteous turns can be interpreted as defiant or otherwise antagonistic. In English similar role is played by the contrast between the absence of quotative inversion with subject pronouns and its presence when speakers are identified by full nominals. The parallel effect in both linguistic versions is traced to the distinction between linguistic items carrying mainly conceptual meaning (nominals) and carrying mainly procedural meaning (pronouns) and to the different ways these two kind of elements are processed in comprehension. The paper also provides some arguments for leaving aside literary considerations and treating a literary text as an act of ostensive communication

    The impact of direct speech framing expressions on the narrative: a contrastive case study of Gabriel García Márquez’s Buen viaje, señor Presidente and its English translation

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    The impact of direct speech framing expressions on the narrative: a contrastive case study of Gabriel García Márquez’s Buen viaje, señor Presidente and its English translation This paper discusses an application of Relevance Theory methodology to an analysis of a literary text: a short story of Gabriel García Márquez “Buen viaje, señor Presidente” and its English translation. “Close reading” technique carried out on rather linguistic than literary basis allows for adding yet another layer of interpretation to this complex story. The analysis concentrates on the representation of direct speech and particularly on the impact of direct speech framing clauses on the reading of dialogic turns. Specifically, it is argued that the explicit mention of the addressee by indirect object pronouns (which are optional in direct speech framing turns) in Spanish makes the tension between the two protagonists even more palpable, therefore apparently courteous turns can be interpreted as defiant or otherwise antagonistic. In English similar role is played by the contrast between the absence of quotative inversion with subject pronouns and its presence when speakers are identified by full nominals. The parallel effect in both linguistic versions is traced to the distinction between linguistic items carrying mainly conceptual meaning (nominals) and carrying mainly procedural meaning (pronouns) and to the different ways these two kind of elements are processed in comprehension. The paper also provides some arguments for leaving aside literary considerations and treating a literary text as an act of ostensive communication

    Dialog i komentarze narracyjne w prozie: opowiadanie Gabriela Garcíi Márqueza “Buen viaje, señor presidente” i jego polskich tłumaczeniach

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    Prozie Gabriela Garcíi Márqueza poświęcono ogromną liczbę opracowań teoretycznoliterackich i krytycznych, jednak ich większość koncentrowała się wokół zaledwie kilku zagadnień, takich jak realizm magiczny, mit i historia, itp. Tylko niewielka część badaczy zajmowała się w swoich pracach wybranymi aspektami formalnymi twórczości kolumbijskiego pisarza. W niniejszym artykule prezentujemy propozycję badania, dla którego punkt wyjścia stanowi analiza składniowa komentarza narracyjnego towarzyszącego dialogom w opowiadaniu Buen viaje, señor presidente. Analiza ta pozwala na dogłębne odczytanie kluczem pragmatycznym wielowarstwowych sensów replik dialogowych oraz poczynienie ustaleń na temat fokalizacji. Przyjrzenie się relacjom między komentarzem narracyjnym i replikami dialogowymi w utworze umożliwia ustalenie i opisanie skomplikowanej sytuacji międzyosobowej. Zastosowanie tej samej procedury do badania tłumaczenia opowiadania na język polski pokazuje, w jaki sposób składniowe i leksykalne zmiany dokonane w komentarzu narracyjnym towarzyszącym dialogom wpływają na odczytanie replik dialogowych, a nawet na zmianę sytuacji międzyosobowej. W ten sposób staramy się zwrócić uwagę na istotność formalnych aspektów komentarza narracyjnego w analizach dialogów literackich oraz na możliwości zastosowania narzędzi stworzonych na gruncie językoznawstwa do badania utworów literackich, nawet autorów uznawanych dotąd za kanonicznych i gruntownie przeanalizowanych

    Siguiendo las pistas de un autor travieso. La enmarcación de los diálogos en "Buen viaje, señor presidente", de Gabriel García Márquez: estudio interdisciplinario

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    Buen viaje, señor presidente differs from other stories by Gabriel García Márquez, by the high amount of dialogue. The role of dialogue is crucial to the understanding of the story and it requires the application of interdisciplinary techniques to its analysis. This article first analyzes the direct speech framing clauses and particularly the use of pronouns in them. It is shown how framing expressions influence readings of direct speech passages. Next, the results of the linguistic analysis are confronted with analyses of some elements of the narrative. The interdisciplinary approach explains the various levels on which the dramatic effect of the narrative is built, what this effect is and how it affects the reader.Buen viaje, señor presidente no es un cuento típico de Gabriel García Márquez por la alta concentración del diálogo. Consideramos el papel de este crucial para la comprensión del relato. En consecuencia, la materia dialogística del estudio exige la aproximación interdisciplinaria. Por eso, en el presente artículo primero analizaremos los diálogos concentrándonos en especial en su enmarcación y en la función de los pronombres en ella. Mostraremos cómo las expresiones de enmarcación influyen en la lectura de los enunciados en estilo directo. A continuación, verificaremos los resultados del análisis de carácter lingüístico a la luz de algunos elementos de la narración. Estas dos aproximaciones nos permitirán observar en cuántos niveles se construye el efecto dramático de la narrativa, en qué consiste este efecto y cómo impacta al lecto

    Plasma Metabolic Disturbances in Parkinson’s Disease Patients

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    Plasma from patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a valuable source of information indicating altered metabolites associated with the risk or progression of the disease. Neurotoxicity of dopaminergic neurons, which is triggered by aggregation of α-synuclein, is the main pathogenic feature of PD. However, a growing body of scientific reports indicates that metabolic changes may precede and directly contribute to neurodegeneration. Identification and characterization of the abnormal metabolic pattern in patients’ plasma are therefore crucial for the search for potential PD biomarkers. The aims of the present study were (1) to identify metabolic alterations in plasma metabolome in subjects with PD as compared with the controls; (2) to find new potential markers, some correlations among them; (3) to identify metabolic pathways relevant to the pathophysiology of PD. Plasma samples from patients with PD (n = 25) and control group (n = 12) were collected and the gas chromatography-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry GC-TOFMS-based metabolomics approach was used to evaluate the metabolic changes based on the identified 14 metabolites with significantly altered levels using univariate and multivariate statistical analysis. The panel, including 6 metabolites (L-3-methoxytyrosine, aconitic acid, L-methionine, 13-docosenamide, hippuric acid, 9,12-octadecadienoic acid), was identified to discriminate PD from controls with the area under the curve (AUC) of 0.975, with an accuracy of 92%. We also used statistical criteria to identify the significantly altered level of metabolites. The metabolic pathways involved were associated with linoleic acid metabolism, mitochondrial electron transport chain, glycerolipid metabolism, and bile acid biosynthesis. These abnormal metabolic changes in the plasma of patients with PD were mainly related to the amino acid metabolism, TCA cycle metabolism, and mitochondrial function